5 Easy Flowers to Attract Pollinators
It’s no secret that I love gardening. One of my favorite things about living in the country is that I have lots and lots of spots to plant lots and lots of flowers:) And the best thing about flowers? (Besides their obvious beauty of course) THEY ATTRACT POLLINATORS!!!!!! Butterflies and bees and hummingbirds galore!!! I LOVE BUTTERFLIES!!!!! They’re just so elegant and graceful. And we all know that we need the bees! As much as I love gardening and seeing butterflies though, I really don’t like needy plants, y’know? I don’t like those plants that require daily watering or those that require a specific amount of sunshine. So, through my years of gardening, I’ve found 5 flowers that are easy AND attract pollinators!!! I hope this list of 5 easy flowers to attract pollinators brings you as much joy as it has brought me:)
1. Garden Phlox
Garden Phlox are the ultimate easy flower in my book! They’re perennials! Praise the LORD!!! So they’ll come back on their own every year:) They do tend to spread over time, so if you want to keep them in a certain spot, you may have to trim them back. Other than that, I let rain do the watering, and the phlox will bring you all the pollinators!!!

2. Coneflowers
Coneflowers are also another perennial!!! MORE PRAISES!!! They’re also fantastic in heat!! You can plant these just about anywhere, water them when you feel. like it, and they will bring you all the pretty creatures!!

3. Sunflowers
Sunflowers are probably my all time favorite flower. They’ve been my favorite ever since I was a little girl. I was so glad when I grew up and found out they were so simple! Sunflowers are annuals, so I do have to plant the seeds every spring. However, other than that, they are a piece of cake! I let the Lord decide when they need water, make sure they have lots of sun, and then they’re good to grow! (see what I did there;) )

4. Zinnias
Of all my flowers, I’m probably best known for my zinnias. Butterflies are ALWAYS hanging out on my zinnias, and I feature them on my stories often. (I grow my zinnias in my raised garden beds. The beds were SUPER easy and cheap, and I have the DIY guide here). Zinnias are are not perennials though; I also grow these from seeds every year. However, they grow quickly and don’t require a lot of water. They do require lots of sun though! They’re also really easy to cut making them good for bouquets:)

5. Black Eyed Susan
And last, but certainly not least, Black Eyed Susans!!!! Black Eyed Susans are a lot like coneflowers, so that means we’re back to perennials!! You plant them once, and you’re done:) You don’t have to worry about sunlight, nor do you have to worry about watering them. They’re good to go and bring you a TON of beautiful pollinators:)

Those are my top 5 easy flowers to attract pollinators! A cool summer morning sitting out on my front porch with a cup of coffee and watching the butterflies or hummingbirds enjoy my flowers is one of my simple pleasures in life. Looking at a hummingbird stay seemingly still mid-air or just looking at the perfect pattern on a butterfly’s wings really does make me pause and just think about how beautiful God is and how much time He takes with everything. Even if butterflies and gardening doesn’t make you think existentially, I still hope this list helps conquer your fears of not being a gardener and even being a gardener that can attract pollinators:)
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