DIY,  Home Decor

DIY Wooden Picture Holder

I think it goes without saying that I love taking pictures. My kids just got used to me following them around with my camera (before we had smartphones!) and eventually quit rolling their eyes. I love taking and displaying pictures of my cute kiddos!! However, I kinda ran out of room and ran out of frames even quicker! Not to mention that the cost of all those frames added up after a while! As I looked around my house and barn though, I realized that I had a lot of extra wood lying around….and the idea of using some of that extra wood and a little extra jute rope to make this little picture frame holder popped into my head! I know that I’m not the only one who is tired of spending money on frames, so I thought today I would share how to make a DIY wooden picture holder.

I love my Ryobi hand sander!

DIY Wooden Picture Holder


  • solid wooden block
  • jute rope
  • staple gun
  • paint or stain (if desired)
    • also a sander or sand paper if painting
  • Cute pictures! ๐Ÿ™‚


  1. I painted and distressed the wooden block using my painting and distressing technique.
    1. read the whole blog post on that technique by clicking here!
  2. Staple the jute rope in the center on the backside of the wood
  3. Wrap the rope very tightly around the block 3 times
    1. Go once across the middle then make an X pattern
  4. Cut the jute rope
  5. Tie it to the staple on the back
  6. Repeat if you want the double X pattern like I have. ๐Ÿ™‚
These polaroids are from Pro Digital Photos!
This is an old photo of free range chickens my Mom gave me!!! Isn’t it gorgeous?!
That’s a photo of an Eastern Tiger Swallowtail that was in my coneflower garden:)
These are all eggs from my chickens if you can believe it!?

That’s all this little DIY takes! It’s super simple, right?! I also loved it because it was so versatile. I could put it in my favorite little chippy cabinet, on the table, on a shelf, I even have one on my desk at work!! Because the pictures just slide in, I’m also able to trade those out whenever I feel like it. There’s no taking it off the wall and unscrewing things or any back to worry about! It’s just your picture being displayed for all to see. I hope you guys enjoy this, and I would love to hear what types of pictures you display in yours! ๐Ÿ™‚