Fall Decor Home Tour
Fall is a second spring, when every leaf is a flower.
Albert Camus
I just love that quote, don’t you?! I also just really love fall! Don’t get me wrong, summer is my jam. I love being outdoors and the heat and fun of summer, but there is something about fall that is just magical. Maybe it’s the way that the leaves explode into such beautiful colors as Mr. Camus pointed out or just the calm that fall seems to usher in. Whatever it is, I really, really appreciate fall. I was so inspired by the natural simplicity of fall this year, that I decided to mirror that in my fall decor! Since we are all starting to transition our decor, I thought now would be the perfect time to share my fall decor home tour with you!
Use Nature Inspired Colors

If you were around this summer for my late summer decor tips, then you know that I LOVE natural colors!!!! I always change these depending on the season though. So, if you were around for my summer decor, you know that I had a LOT of greens and neutrals. As we move into fall, I change that to reflect the colors that I see in my backyard. Right now I see a LOT of yellow and orange and even the start of a little brown, so I thought right now would be a perfect time to display my amber bottles!
Use Actual Nature
I try and use as much actual nature in my decor as possible. I’m not kidding! Pumpkin stems, dried gourds, and faux or real golden rod can all be used as decor! Adding little bits of the some of these “fall” vegetables and plants not only suddenly make people think of fall but it also adds more of that color we were just talking about:)

Cozy is the vibe
Cozy is always the vibe around here, but I crank up the cozy meter in fall!! As I said earlier, fall is the season that feels the most peaceful and the slowest to me. It naturally feels a little more cozy, but with the kids going back to school, I really try and make sure that the house is a cozy place for them to come back to. To make it extra cozy, I like to add chunky knit sweater pillows and throws. If I can, I like to choose ones that are fall colored, too! Add that color whenever you can;)
side tip! That’s one reason why I chose this white couch from IKEA! It serves as a great backdrop for all my decor during any season:)

It really is the little things…
Does anything say fall more than a warm apple pie?! Even if it is a fake one?Plus, if you put on a baking scented candle, no one will know it isn’t real!!!;) Many of you know I’m a big fan of faux pies if you’ve hung around my instagram, but I especially love them during fall. Again, they just add to that coziness factor!
There are a couple of other little things, like fall scented candles, that you can add to your decor for an extra fall boost. I like to add little fabric pumpkins wherever I can, fake fruit such as this pear and little bits of fall garland.

Fall decor home tour 2020…
And that’s my fall decor home tour 2020! 2020 has been a wild ride for all of us. No one has been able to opt out of riding the tumultuous emotional (and physical) roller coaster that this year has been. So I think it is really comforting to see the leaves still change color the same way they always have. I really needed their simple beauty this year. And I was so thankful for the opportunity to *try* and mirror that in my home. I hope we can transition to a calmer, more cozy second half of the year, and I hope that this home tour helps you bring that about in your own home:) I’d love to see your homes and how you are inspired by the season!!!

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Your fall home tour is beautiful. I love your use of naturals or faux naturals. That pie looks so real. Thanks for sharing your home
Thank you, Pam!! Thanks for checking it out