How To Build A Scarecrow
The way I see it, a person isn’t nothing more than a scarecrow… The only difference between one that stands up good and one that blows over is what kind of a stick they’re stuck up there on.
Barbara Kingsolver
I just love that quote, don’t you?:) I find a lot of truth in it. The foundation upon which you build your life pretty much determines if it will stand the test of time or not. I really caught myself thinking about this when I was building my new scarecrow for my raised garden beds! As a lot of us are planning out fall gardens and those pesky birds are trying to eat our ripe veggies or bother our beautiful flowers, I thought that now would be the perfect time to share how to build a scarecrow!

Scarecrow Supplies
- (1) 10′ 1/2″ inch PVC pipe
- This will get cut into:
- (1) 6 inch PVC pipe for “neck”
- (2) 6 inch PVC pipes for “shoulders”
- (2) 12 inch PVC pipes for the “body”
- (2) 6 inch PVC pipes for the “waist”
- (2) 12 inch “arms”
- (1) 3 ft “leg”
- (2) elbow connectors
- (4) T connectors
- PVC Glue
- chop, mitre or hack saw (up to your preference)
- safety goggles
- tape measure

How To Build A Scarecrow
- Cut the 10′ ft PVC into pieces using your saw of choice
- Cut a 6″ piece for the “neck”
- Add a T at the bottom
- Then connect (2) 6″ pieces for shoulders
- Then add 2 T connectors
- Connect 12″ “arms” to each side coming out from shoulder pieces
- Connect (2) 12″ torso sides coming down from the shoulder pieces
- Add (2) elbow connectors at each end of the torso
- Connect (2) more 6″ waist pieces and add a T connector to the middle
- Connect (1) 3ft piece coming out of bottom of the waist
- **This is how I make a female with a skirt. If you want two legs just cut (1) 12″ piece for the waist and use (2) Ts where elbows are and make (2) 3′ legs .
- For a male, you will also need more than (1) 10′ piece of PVC.
- Dress up your beautiful new guy/gal!!!:)

As much as I love the Barbara Kingsolver quote that I started this with, I do have to disagree with Barbara on one thing; humans are more than scarecrows. Even if the stick they’re standing up on is stuck in bad soil. We’re all made in the image of God, and so, we do have a little more than just stuffing inside is. But, as she pointed out, what we stand on matters. After all, as the saying goes, if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.
I hope that you enjoyed this DIY guide for how to build a scarecrow!! Sally the Scarecrow gives me a lot of joy. I love dressing her up for the other seasons, too! When my garden isn’t in full bloom, I stick her beside my fence and just dress her up. It’s like a life size Barbie doll! Building a scarecrow is easy, timeless and adds just that little bit of whimsy that you know I love;)

Christmas in July!

Girls' Room Redo
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